Tag Archive: HGS


This is my latest movie, created using the best sequences I shot during the last years.

Music by Thomas Bergersen – Empire of Angels

Over Belgium on our way to London City, the sun comming out behind us. MycockpitviewOver Belgium on our way to London City, the sun comming out behind us

Sunset seen through the head up guidance systemSunset seen through the head up guidance system

Enjoying the last rays of day light before starting our descent towards London City. Bombardier Dash8 Q400 HGS head up guidance system

Enjoying the last rays of day light before starting our descent towards London City


Last rays od day light coming into the cockpit. Great to enjoy this view with the HGS.

Night cockpit view. Bombardier Dash8 Q400. Luxair.

Night cockpit view. Bombardier Dash8 Q400.

Night cockpit view, Bombardier Q400Night cockpit view, Bombardier Q400